The image of the east and the Orientals in the orientalist discourse


  • Adnan Hafez Joudeh
  • Jafar Farhan Atheeb


Discourse, orientalism, the east


The research deals with the Orientalist discourse and its impact on the thought of Western peoples, its goals, and how to study it, with reference to the studies that dealt with it before and after the publication of the book Orientalism by Edward Said in (1978 AD), and it proves during the research that the orientalist discourse drew an extremely negative stereotype of peoples affected by colonialism, such as the Indians. Red people and the peoples of the East, stripping them of the slightest positive character, far from what is represented by reality, and this image is the one that wanted stability in the mind of the Westerner for reasons mentioned in the folds of the research, and the speech succeeded in that. The research also pointed to the bright side of Oriental studies, albeit little, it also referred to the image of the West in the eastern discourse or in (surprising), as it was also a negative stereotype that did not represent
all that the Western other had in reality, and if these were passing signals in the folds of the research, they - as we claim - influenced the research. 




How to Cite

Adnan Hafez Joudeh, & Jafar Farhan Atheeb. (2023). The image of the east and the Orientals in the orientalist discourse. Elementary Education Online, 18(1), 457–462. Retrieved from


