The Effect of Mathematics Instruction Based On Multiple Intelligences Theory on the Learner Attitudes Towards Fractions Unit In Grade 6


  • Sare ENGÜL
  • Caner ÖZ


Multiple intelligences theory, attitude towards mathematics, mathematics teaching, fraction


The purpose of this study is to research and find out whether the multiple intelligences theory based
instructions in grade 6
th Mathematics lessons have any effect on the students attitude to mathematics. The research is a semiexperiential study and was carried out in an elementary school in Kocaeli zmit district using 70 sixth grade students as
subjects in 2004-2005 academic year. The researchers used one experimental group and one control group. While the
fractions unit was taught using the traditional methods in the control group, Multiple Intelligences Theory based lesson plans
were used in the experimental group. The data gathered at the end of the experiment by using "Mathematical Attitude Scale"
was evaluated with the statistical analysis method. As a result, it has been found out that instructions based on the Multiple
Intelligences Theory have a positive effect on the students' attitude towards mathematics and the level of interest to
mathematics when compared to the traditional teaching techniques.




How to Cite

Sare ENGÜL, & Caner ÖZ. (2023). The Effect of Mathematics Instruction Based On Multiple Intelligences Theory on the Learner Attitudes Towards Fractions Unit In Grade 6. Elementary Education Online, 7(3), 800–813. Retrieved from


