Comparison of the Plant Attitudes of Gifted and Talented Students and Those of Normal Development


  • Murat Özarslan


Gifted and talented, normal development student, gender, grade, plant attitude, BİLSEM


This study has been carried out to compare the plant attitudes of gifted and talented students (GAT) and those of normal development (ND). Descriptive research model was used in the study and it was conducted on total of 140 GAT students (Girl 55; Boy 85) from Science and Art Center (BİLSEM) in the Marmara region and total of 140 ND students (Girl 77; Boy 63) from 5th – 8th Grades of a middle school in the same region during the autumn semester of 2015-2016 academic year. The study group was composed by the easily accessible sampling method. Plant Attitude Questionnaire was used to determine students' attitudes towards plants. Data was analysed by descriptive statistics and independent t-test. The study results reveal that the general plants attitude scores of the GAT students were at the good level but the plant attitude scores of ND students were are at moderate level. It was determined that the plant attitude scores of the GAT students were statistically significant and higher than ND students. Furthermore, in terms of gender and grade variables, the general plant attitude scores of GAT students, the attitude scores of the sub-dimensions of the scale such as the importance of plants, city trees, daily use of plants were statistically significant and higher than attitude scores of the ND students. However, in terms of gender and grade, it was determined that the levels of interest of GAT students and ND students towards plants did not significantly differ, except 5th grade. 





How to Cite

Murat Özarslan. (2023). Comparison of the Plant Attitudes of Gifted and Talented Students and Those of Normal Development. Elementary Education Online, 18(4), 1480–1496. Retrieved from


