Influence of Website Quality, Innovation, and Brand Trust on Customer Satisfaction of Embedded Website in Game Application


  • Henditya Wahyu
  • Legowo Nilo


customer satisfaction, website quality, innovation, brand trust, WebQual 4.0


Website in game application can be used as a medium for marketing as well as a source of income by selling in-game items. A decrease in traffic on the website can cause marketing effectiveness and decreased revenue due to customer dissatisfaction with the website services provided. The purpose of this study was to identify the effect of website quality, innovation, and brand trust on customer satisfaction by using the WebQual 4.0 method as the main reference for making research questionnaires on website quality and other literature studies for innovation and brand trust. The findings of this study are that brand trust is an indicator that greatly influences customer satisfaction with a value of 89.8% and also information quality and service interaction quality have a small effect on customer satisfaction by 13% and 18%.




How to Cite

Henditya Wahyu, & Legowo Nilo. (2023). Influence of Website Quality, Innovation, and Brand Trust on Customer Satisfaction of Embedded Website in Game Application. Elementary Education Online, 20(3), 510–520. Retrieved from


