The Effects of Scarcity Message on Sales Promotions Based on Self-Monitoring Levels in T-Commerce


  • KwangSeok Han


Scarcity Message, Sales Promotion, T Commerce, Price Discount, Attitude, Purchase Intention


The purpose of this study was to empirically verify the effects of scarcity messages on sales promotions and purchase intentions of T-Commerce consumers, based on their self-monitoring levels. This experiment used factor design between subjects according to the scarcity type (quantity-limited vs. time-limited) and self-monitoring level (high-monitored vs. high-monitored) of the T-commerce sales
promotion message and analysis was performed using the two-way MANOVA analysis. Two-way MANOVA analysis of T-commerce's scarcity message, self-monitoring, two independent variables, dependent promotional attitudes, and purchase intentions. The results of this study are as follows. First, consumers’ attitudes toward sales promotions and purchase intentions in T-Commerce were found to be relatively positive with regard to limited-quantity and limited-time messages, with no major differences observed between the two types of messages. Second, T-Commerce consumers with high levels of selfmonitoring formed more positive attitudes toward sales promotions and has higher purchase intentions when limited-quantity messages were used, as compared to when limited-time messages were used. Third, a more positive attitude toward promotions and higher purchase intentions with limited-quantity messages are demonstrated by consumers with high levels of self-monitoring, rather than those with low levels. Consumers use T-Commerce while watching TV in the comfort of their homes. Therefore, a limitation of this study is that it was conducted in artificial settings.




How to Cite

KwangSeok Han. (2023). The Effects of Scarcity Message on Sales Promotions Based on Self-Monitoring Levels in T-Commerce. Elementary Education Online, 20(3), 694–699. Retrieved from


