Crisis Management Between The Two Frames Postural And Islamic


  • Khelkhal Maroua
  • Ikhlef Djamel Eddine


Crisis Management, The Purposes of Sharia Law, The Principles of Consultation, Prophetic Biography, The Corona Pandemic


The aim of this study is to identify crisis management between the positive and the legitimate framework and to highlight the extent to which Islam contains the principles of this administration. These principles were not truly new to Muslims . The main findings of this research include: The management of crises in a positive context has reasons to give rise to. It aims to improve the lives of individuals and achieve the desired results. Crises vary, depending on the considerations they involve. Crises are at specific stages. The leaders of this nation have had to manage the crises to which peoples may be exposed, especially in the context of the emerging Corona pandemic, by issuing advisory opinions that facilitate and preserve the interests of the slaves, achieve the purposes of the street and preserve the five colleges .




How to Cite

Khelkhal Maroua, & Ikhlef Djamel Eddine. (2023). Crisis Management Between The Two Frames Postural And Islamic. Elementary Education Online, 21(3), 247–259. Retrieved from


