Raspberry Pi Based Assistive Device For Deaf, Dumb And Blind People


  • Amit Gupta


Raspberry Pi, Device, Deaf, Dumb, Blind People


This research article describes the design and creation of an assistive device running on a Raspberry Pi that will improve the lives of people who are deaf, dumb, and blind. For people with numerous sensory impairments, the gadget integrates a number of technologies and functions to facilitate communication, engagement, and information access. To close the communication gap and offer a smooth user experience, the system makes use of computer vision, speech recognition, and haptic feedback technologies. The gadget provides a practical and affordable solution for the intended user base by utilising the Raspberry Pi platform. The system architecture, software algorithms, user interface, and assessment findings are included in the study, which emphasises how this technology may help people with sensory impairments live better daily lives. 




How to Cite

Amit Gupta. (2023). Raspberry Pi Based Assistive Device For Deaf, Dumb And Blind People. Elementary Education Online, 20(3), 4789–4800. Retrieved from https://ilkogretim-online.org./index.php/pub/article/view/2950




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