The Examination of the Relation Between the Boehm Test of Basic Concepts (Boehm-3) and Bracken Basic Concept Scale (BBCS) for Preschoolers


  • Gülden Uyanik Balat


Preschoolers, Basic concepts, Boehm-3, BBCS.


This study has been conducted on preschoolers attending the preschool year of a middle class
primary school affiliated to the Ministry of National Education. 34 children participated in the study. The mean
age of participants was 64.8 months, with the standard deviation of 3.5 months. The families of the participating
children were sent information forms designed by the researcher with the aim of identifying children’s
descriptive characteristics. The children were given the Boehm Test of Basic Concepts and the Bracken Basic
Concept Scale in order for their correlations to be examined. In addition, the correlation between the quantity,
time and direction/position subtests of the Bracken Basic Concept Scale and the quantity, time and space concept
scores of the Boehm Basic Concept Test was determined. The results showed a meaningful correlation between
the Boehm Test of Basic Concepts (Boehm-3) and Bracken Basic Concept Scale (1984) (r=. 76).




How to Cite

Gülden Uyanik Balat. (2023). The Examination of the Relation Between the Boehm Test of Basic Concepts (Boehm-3) and Bracken Basic Concept Scale (BBCS) for Preschoolers . Elementary Education Online, 8(3), 935–942. Retrieved from


