Dual Situated Learning Model and Science Teaching


  • Ercan AKPINAR
  • Ömer ERGIN


Constructivist theory, dual situated learning model, science teaching, pressure and buoyant force


According to constructivist theory, students learn by actively constructing their own knowledge, comparing new knowledge with their prior one. Thus, identifying pre-knowledge of the students helps meaningful learning and this should be a starting point in teaching. This paper tries to explain the DualSituated Learning Model by giving some examples (pressure and buoyant force) form science concepts in the 7th grade Science and Technology Course. This model is based on constructivist theory and aims at helping students actively participate in the learning activities. Besides, in this model, it is very important to determine students’ prior knowledge about subject which will be taught before starting instruction. It is hoped that this paper will help science educators and teachers prepare learning-teaching activities based on constructivist theory with the help of this model.




How to Cite

Ercan AKPINAR, & Ömer ERGIN. (2023). Dual Situated Learning Model and Science Teaching. Elementary Education Online, 6(3), 390–396. Retrieved from https://ilkogretim-online.org./index.php/pub/article/view/371


