Contributions Of Culture In Development Of English Insights Among Students: A Critical Study


  • Minakshi Chauhan


verbal communication, civilization, classroom, facilitate, techniques.


They have less effective nowadays because they lack a second language, rather than being isolated. The saying "a person who speaks two languages is worth two" originates from Spanish. Because of this, pupils who get inadequate second language training are unable
to appreciate their full potential. The purpose of this essay is to show the value of learning a second language, in this case, English, as well as how to speak with others from diverse cultures in a natural way while acknowledging and embracing their varied emotions. Language and culture are closely related to one another. Language not only reflects culture, but also is shaped and impacted by it. As a result, teaching English also involves educating about the language's culture. This essay aims to show ways to encourage students' intercultural awareness in an English language classroom. It can be challenging for any teacher to provide pupils in an English language classroom an awareness of culture that extends beyond cuisine and national attire. This article emphasizes on the necessity for teachers of English to be sensitive to their students' vulnerability by employing methods that foster cross-cultural understanding. It also provides a thorough analysis of the role of culture in English language learning and teaching 




How to Cite

Minakshi Chauhan. (2023). Contributions Of Culture In Development Of English Insights Among Students: A Critical Study. Elementary Education Online, 20(5), 8933–8939. Retrieved from


