The Effects of Using Creative Drama in Science Education on Students’ Achievements and Scientific Process Skills


  • Bilge Taşkın-Can


creative drama, science education, scientific process skills, achievement, light and sound


The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of creative drama-based instruction on fifth
graders’ science achievements in the light and sound unit and scientific process skills. This quasi-experimental
research was conducted in one of the public elementary schools in Turkey during 2009-2010 academic year. A
light and sound achievement test was developed and administered to randomly selected 60 students. The
experimental group was instructed through creative drama-based implications and the control group was never
exposed to creative drama. An instruction material including five lesson plans was constructed for the leader to
administer creative drama-based instruction. The unit was instructed to each group for three weeks. A science
achievement test and a scientific process skills test were administered to each group as pre-post test. An
independent sample t-test revealed that there were significant differences in the means of creative drama
applications, science achievement and scientific process skills.




How to Cite

Bilge Taşkın-Can. (2023). The Effects of Using Creative Drama in Science Education on Students’ Achievements and Scientific Process Skills . Elementary Education Online, 12(1), 120–131. Retrieved from


