Music Listening Activities The Effect Of Primary School Students On Academic Achievement


  • Evrim Özdemir
  • Sonat Coşkuner


Listening to music, academic achievement, primary education, music education


The purpose of this research was to examine the effects of music listening activities on the academic achievement of primary school students; Sex, class and course variables. The study is based on pretest-midtest-posttest model with experiment-control group. The data of the study, pretest; Lecture notes of the previous semester spring semester; Fall semester course notes and sontest; Spring semester course notes. As a result of the analyzes made, there was no difference in the experiment group according to sex variable;In the Visual Arts Course, the sixth grade is more successful than the fifth grade andin the courses of Turkish, Science, Religion Culture and Ethics, fifth graders were found to be more successful than sixth graders, and Mathematics, Social Studies, Foreign Language, Physical Education and Music courses did not find any difference. When the pretest, posttest and posttest scores of the experimental and control groups are examined, In the lessons of Turkish, English, Visual Arts, Science, Religion Culture and Ethics, the experimental group seems to be more successful than the control group. From these findings, it was concluded that listening to music has positive effects on academic achievement. 




How to Cite

Evrim Özdemir, & Sonat Coşkuner. (2023). Music Listening Activities The Effect Of Primary School Students On Academic Achievement. Elementary Education Online, 17(1), 57–69. Retrieved from


