Review Of Reforms Brought By Provincial Government Of KP In Health Sector


  • Mr. Hakim Said
  • Dr. Ayaz Khan
  • Dr. Manzoor Ahmad
  • Dr. Husnul Amin
  • Riaz Ahmad Khan
  • Mr. Hayat Khan
  • Sumayya Feroz
  • Mr. Shahid Jan Afridi


Health is a condition of utilitarian ability that stresses on social and individual assets, in addition physical estimations. The degree of a person's physical, mental, passionate and social capacity to cope with environment is termed as health of a person. The World Health Organization (WHO) characterizes health as a condition of complete mental, physical and social prosperity and not simply the nonappearance of diseases or injury. This research paper will help us to understand what reforms are brought by the
Provincial Government of KP to improve the health condition of the people.




How to Cite

Mr. Hakim Said, Dr. Ayaz Khan, Dr. Manzoor Ahmad, Dr. Husnul Amin, Riaz Ahmad Khan, Mr. Hayat Khan, … Mr. Shahid Jan Afridi. (2023). Review Of Reforms Brought By Provincial Government Of KP In Health Sector. Elementary Education Online, 19(4), 6436–6448. Retrieved from




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