A Study On Effectiveness Measurement Of Halt And Lag In Container Handling Operation With Refernce To Lom Logistics


  • Dr. S Dinesh Kumar
  • Dr. Sivesan
  • Mohammed Naseem


Delay factors, Halt and lag, Container Handling operation, Analytical Hierarchical Process(AHP), Berth Scheduling Problem, Branch and Bound method.


The present research has been conducted to measure the effectiveness of halt and lag in container handling operation. The purpose of this research is to identify the factors that causes delay in container handling operation. By the use of Analytical Hierarchical Process(AHP) method the various delay factors are evaluated. This study contributes that ‘Port’ is one of the most significant factor that causes delay in the operation. Meanwhile, sub-criterion of ‘Deficiency of loading and un-loading equipment’ is selected as the most significant sub-cause of delay creation in the container handling operation. Also this study examines the applicability of the Job Shop Scheduling which includes branch and bound method to solve the berth scheduling problem. This study contributes the practical technique and valuable findings to the port as it helps to measure the factors that affect the operational performance of the container handling operation. Efficiency of ports in measuring the halt and lag in the container can create a remarkable influence in the decrement of the period of ship stay at the port, the period of sedimentation of goods and the decrement of freight payable to shipping companies.




How to Cite

Dr. S Dinesh Kumar, Dr. Sivesan, & Mohammed Naseem. (2023). A Study On Effectiveness Measurement Of Halt And Lag In Container Handling Operation With Refernce To Lom Logistics. Elementary Education Online, 19(4), 6577–6598. Retrieved from https://ilkogretim-online.org./index.php/pub/article/view/5538


