Education And Crime Nexus: Evidence From Incarcerated Inmates About Debilitating Role Of Education In Criminality; A Study Of Pakhtun Society


  • Dr. Waseem Khan
  • Dr. Jamil Khan
  • Dr. Sana Ullah
  • Prof. Dr. Arab Naz


education, crime, violence, Pakhtun and Pakhtunwali, honor and valor, women


Education plays a positive role to nourish human minds, construct experiences and build thesociety. Its has never been denied in any circumstances especially pertaining to situations ofprovocation, escalation, and extenuation. Alongside, criminality is another social pattern,which exists since human’s existence. Both the everlasting patterns of society aresimultaneously dependent over each other having a negative or inverse correlation. Tounderstand the relationship between the two broader concepts, this study is qualitatively
undertaken following by studying the conveniently selected respondents from Distract JailTimergara and Malakand. Taking interviews of the sampled participants, the data isthematically analyzed following the Braun and Clarke (2006) TA Model. The study finds a
strong association between education and crime with a negative correlation to a higherextent. On the contrary, in situations where “honor and valor (nang and ghairat) of Pakhtunsare at stake, the role of education abates and nullifies to harmonize the escalating conditionof the situation. In addition, it is also highlighted that education tends to prevent theprovoking circumstances to a higher degree.




How to Cite

Dr. Waseem Khan, Dr. Jamil Khan, Dr. Sana Ullah, & Prof. Dr. Arab Naz. (2023). Education And Crime Nexus: Evidence From Incarcerated Inmates About Debilitating Role Of Education In Criminality; A Study Of Pakhtun Society. Elementary Education Online, 19(4), 7793–7801. Retrieved from


