Media And The Discourse Of Peace In The International Arena


  • Ebrahim Kafshdar Toosi


New media, discourse, peace, confidence building, international conflicts


Communication and media, today is one of the most important political tools in the world that can lead to persuasion of public opinion or anxiety in various ways.
In the last two years, the corona outbreak, which has led to people living at home and overusing media and communication tools, has increasingly intertwined geographical boundaries and created a world without borders. A world where common pain today has
brought people together regardless of their nationality. Meanwhile, the new media is sometimes recognized by some governments as a sabotage element in countries and decisions are made to limit it, while the media can play a role in making peace and creating
empathy in the international arena and among different nationalities. Have an effective role, but have been neglected so far. Therefore, this study examines the role of new media in creating peace in the international arena and creating a peace discourse along with the coercion of some superpowers. The main question of the research is how new media can help to create international peace? Accordingly, the research hypothesis is based on the fact that new media through public awareness, empowerment of social groups, rebuilding trust in society, holding officials accountable to the people, democratic contexts in society to resolve conflicts and peace within the country and in Provides the ultimate in peace and friendship in the international arena. The method of this research is explanatory.




How to Cite

Ebrahim Kafshdar Toosi. (2023). Media And The Discourse Of Peace In The International Arena. Elementary Education Online, 21(1), 397–406. Retrieved from


