Predicting Self Directed Learning Readiness Level In Terms Of Critical Thinking Disposition, General Self Efficacy and Academic Achievement1


  • Kasım KARATAŞ
  • Makbule BAŞBAY


Self-directed learning readiness, critical thinking disposition, general self-efficacy, academic achievement, preservice teacher.


The aim of the study is to determine the relation between the levels of critical thinking disposition, general selfefficacy and academic achievement of pre-service teachers and the degree of regression of these variables on self-directed learning readiness of pre-service teachers. Study group consists of 649 students from the Faculty of Education, Ege University and the data has been collected by using three different scales. It has been concluded that the level of self-directed learning readiness has significantly been predicted in the order of priorities by the variables critical thinking disposition, academic achievement and general self-efficacy. The findings have indicated that an increase in the critical thinking disposition, academic achievement and general self-efficacy level will yield to an increase in the self-directed learning readiness level.




How to Cite

Kasım KARATAŞ, & Makbule BAŞBAY. (2023). Predicting Self Directed Learning Readiness Level In Terms Of Critical Thinking Disposition, General Self Efficacy and Academic Achievement1. Elementary Education Online, 13(3), 916–933. Retrieved from


