A Research Overview of Challenges in The Global Halal Market


  • Maria Gul
  • Junaid Akbar
  • Muhammad Ikramullah
  • Muhammad Hayat Khan


International Market, Halal Industry, Halal Standard, Halal Certification


Due to the boom in global trade, the halal industry is developing and becoming animportant market locally and internationally. With the increasing population of Muslims,the demand for halal products is increasing all over the world. Halal is becoming a global
mark increasing quality assurance. Despite the development of the halal industry, someissues and challenges of halal are significantly affecting the national and internationalmarkets like lack of government support, the abundance of halal standards, operational
inefficiency, certification expenditure, lack of competence of halal auditors, supply chainmanagement, market competitiveness, the uncertainty of the substances used in halalproducts, and others. The role of the government of any country in the halal industry is
very important. In some countries, the government does not support halal, while in somecountries with Muslim in majority, halal certification is not obligatory, it is generallybelieved that all products will be halal. Halal awareness campaigns can reducetheseproblems. Different standards of halal are followed in various countries, and a unifiedhalal standard could not be agreedupon , which is the biggest challenge in the halalindustry for imports and exports. Easy process of accreditation and certification, supportfor small industries and globally uniform halal standards are need of the day




How to Cite

Maria Gul, Junaid Akbar, Muhammad Ikramullah, & Muhammad Hayat Khan. (2023). A Research Overview of Challenges in The Global Halal Market. Elementary Education Online, 19(4), 7893–7903. Retrieved from https://ilkogretim-online.org./index.php/pub/article/view/6279


