Novice teachers’ strategies to overcome the challenges in teaching and learning


  • Khaliza Saidin
  • Shaznoorazlina Shafii & Arsaythamby Veloo


Novices teacher, Support, Challenges, Staff development training and Continuous professional development


The problems of novice teachers at school still raise questions and require further research.Therefore, this study was done in the district of Kuala Krai to investigate the problems of novice teachers and the strategies that they use in addressing the challenges. This study completely uses main qualitative study as a method and personal interviews with novice teachers in five schools in the district
of Kuala Krai. The data from the interviews were analyzed using thematic methods to detect problems faced by novice teachers. The research involved a sample of 6 novice teachers who have been in the teaching service for one to three years, and have not been confirmed in the service. The question instrument was built based on the research questions that are being studied. The findings show that problems involving the novice teachers are related to issues of teaching, extra work, lack of support from school administration and their attitude. According to findings from interviews that have been conducted, all of these problems are the main restrictions for teachers to achieve their goal. The strategies used by the novice teachers in addressing the challengeswere asking for guidance from the school counsellor, trying to increase the sources of information by utilizing the internet as well as practicing good interpersonal relationships. This study proposes that the training and education of novice teachers, their physical and mental readiness, mentor system and staff development training should be strengthened so that novice teachers will gain higher knowledge and have more quality in their skills.




How to Cite

Khaliza Saidin, & Shaznoorazlina Shafii & Arsaythamby Veloo. (2023). Novice teachers’ strategies to overcome the challenges in teaching and learning. Elementary Education Online, 19(2), 69–78. Retrieved from


