The evaluation of elements regarding family training included in the works of some Turkish scholars between IX.-XII. centuries


  • Pusat Pilten
  • Kalipa Atemova
  • Aliya Kuralbaуeva


Turkish scholars, family education in Turkish societies, family, rules of education in family, characteristics of education


It is seen that the main objective of the reforms realized in Kazakhstan and many Turkish societies especially about education is to ensure that the young generation adapts to the changing society in line with global demands. For the goals and objectives in this direction to be realized as a whole, it is clear that it would be appropriate to start the transformation with parenting education. When the history of pedagogy is examined, it is seen that the influence of Turkish culture is of great importance in the parenting education systems of Turkish societies. In this respect, today, the usage of extant parenting education elements in the education of future generation by examining the historical process in the formation of a spiritually developing consciousness and in reestablishing the tradition of humanitarian values should be accepted as a reality of the present. Accordingly,this study, which aims to evaluate elements regarding family training in the works of some Turkish scholars between IX.-XII. centuries was organized in the form of qualitative research. Document analysis was used as data collection method. In this study, the works of Al-Farabi, Yusuf Khass Hajib , Mahmud al-Kashgari and Hodja Ahmet Yesevi, who lived in the mentioned period, were considered as the main sources. In specified sources it was found that the personal aspect of training, the generalization of training, the optimism of training, the connection of training with nature, the connection of training with religion, the integrity and complexity of training, the age and peculiarities of the child in training were emphasized.




How to Cite

Pusat Pilten, Kalipa Atemova, & Aliya Kuralbaуeva. (2023). The evaluation of elements regarding family training included in the works of some Turkish scholars between IX.-XII. centuries. Elementary Education Online, 19(2), 679–694. Retrieved from


