Color preferences of Regina university department of art students in the creation of artwork


  • Meral Per


Art education, visual arts, color, color preferences


In present study colour preferences of students in Regina University, Faculty of Education Department of Art Education Visual Arts Department in their artworks and the factors affecting their preferences has been explored. A questionnaire has been directed to a total of 14 volunteering students to determine the factors affecting their colour preferences in their artworks. Qualitative data obtained from the research have been analyzed via content analysis technique. According to the findings of present research colour preferences of students in their artworks are determined by the mood and emotional state of students. Students have set a connection between the psychological effects of the colours they preferred in their works and their own personal traits. This connection in effect leads them to focus more intensely on particular colours while also lead them to avoid particular colours in their artworks. It has
also been identified that in their colour preferences the theme of the artwork, season and requirements of the course are the other effective factors.




How to Cite

Meral Per. (2023). Color preferences of Regina university department of art students in the creation of artwork. Elementary Education Online, 19(2), 1043–1046. Retrieved from


