A review article on philosophy education as a stimuli for early brain development


  • Özgül Polat
  • Dicle Akay


Brain development, neuroplasticity, preschool period, philosophy education


The studies examining the relationship between brain development and desired skills in accordance with the needs emerging from the changing conditions of today have started to change. Although philosophy is a curriculum that becomes widespread with Children for Philosophy developed by Matthew Lipman in Turkey, it is not a curriculum that becomes widespread in preschool period, a period
that brain development is on such important. In preschool period that is seen as the most important period in terms of brain development, it is required that children are given the education that will positively affect their neuroplasticity (the flexibility of brain neurons). When the importance of philosophy education programs in early years on children is considered, the importance of giving
philosophy education as a thinking skills education program positively affecting children’s thinking skills at first and their skills in all developmental areas in preschool period, becoming widespread these programs and increasing the resources for these programs emerges. Therefore, this study was a review article prepared by the aim of emphasizing the importance of philosophy education in preschool period as a stimuli for brain development, drawing attention to the importance of conducting these programs prevalently and systematically.




How to Cite

Özgül Polat, & Dicle Akay. (2023). A review article on philosophy education as a stimuli for early brain development . Elementary Education Online, 19(2), 1105–1115. Retrieved from https://ilkogretim-online.org./index.php/pub/article/view/6547


