A Study on Occupational Stress amoung Teachers with special reference to their Personality, Achievement and Family Environment


  • Ajanta Bora Khargharia


Management, Teaching System, Educational Quality etc.


The developing country like India, where literacy rate is low, resources are limited, and very few percentage of students reach to the university level. It requires imperative attention of higher management towards teaching system and faculty assigned to impart the promised knowledge to give away attention to the changed mind of the students and the environment responsible for teacher
stress. The teachers as front – line players in the entire value – chain of education system carry greater responsibility and play a significant role in overall institutional success. Only the satisfied state of teachers can help the school or college to achieve its desire goods and meet the educational objectives. Contrarily, teacher’s high level of job stress creates the big gap between promised and actual levels of educational quality.




How to Cite

Ajanta Bora Khargharia. (2023). A Study on Occupational Stress amoung Teachers with special reference to their Personality, Achievement and Family Environment. Elementary Education Online, 19(2), 1238–1245. Retrieved from https://ilkogretim-online.org./index.php/pub/article/view/6666


