Structural Study of Narrative in Urdu Fiction


  • Waqas Faryad
  • Tahseen Bibi
  • Asif Aziz
  • Syed Mujassam Hussain Shah
  • Maria Waheed


Narratives, Urdu Fiction, Structural Study, learning, storytelling, Narrative competence.


The current study investigate the Structural Analysis of Narrative in Urdu Fiction with in the theoretical framework of Ronald Barath, “Introduction to the Structural Analysis of Narratives”. The present study advocates following research objectives: Why structure study of narrative in Urdu fiction is considered better and more preferred type of writing and how narrative structure works in Urdu fiction it also focuses on what kinds of problems are faced while using narrative in Urdu fiction furthermore it tries to answer the following to objectives how do Urdu fiction get used in Structural study of narrative to support story telling. This article focuses on a discussion of the reasons for Structural Study of Narrative in Urdu Fiction. Moreover, the preliminary information of ongoing study is provided. The findings of the study narrates the methods to convey their experiences about using Narrative in Urdu Fiction. Narrative structure has shown supreme connection and the relationship between structure and narrative competence. Narrative competence is the intuitive grasp of conventions and distinctions that allows audiences to recognize certain productions as stories, to identify the essential units of those stories, and, with those units in mind, to read, retell, paraphrase, expand, evaluate, and interpret the stories. Narrative in Urdu fiction competence permits audiences even with widely divergent backgrounds, in dissimilar contexts, to have similar intuitions about stories, and often to agree on basic and even complex rules by which stories operate.




How to Cite

Waqas Faryad, Tahseen Bibi, Asif Aziz, Syed Mujassam Hussain Shah, & Maria Waheed. (2023). Structural Study of Narrative in Urdu Fiction. Elementary Education Online, 19(2), 1246–1256. Retrieved from


