Factors Influencing Adoption Of E-Payments In Intuitionistic Fuzzy Environment


  • Vinod Kumar
  • Madhuchanda Rakshit


Intuitionistic fuzzy relations, Max-min-max approach,Tsallis entropy function, Types of E-payments


From last one decade E-commerce become more and more popular and useful technique for all types of business transactions.E-commerce or the Internet and the web for business transactions and/or commercial transactions that covers a variety of business activitieswhereinternet is used as a platform for either information exchange or monetary transaction or both at times. Therearevarieties of ways of E-payments available in financial market nowadays. Every type of E-payment is used (more and less) by customers according to their interest and suitability. Here, in this paper a mechanism for the selection of type of E-payment by applying an uncertainty measure in intuitionistic fuzzy set theory is proposed. The whole process is based on the relation between various types of E-payments and factors affecting the convenience of customers. For this process, a case study with selected degree of membership function and degree of membership function and degree of non-membership function are used for checking and appropriate implementation of this modeling in practical fields. 




How to Cite

Vinod Kumar, & Madhuchanda Rakshit. (2023). Factors Influencing Adoption Of E-Payments In Intuitionistic Fuzzy Environment. Elementary Education Online, 19(2), 1577–1587. Retrieved from https://ilkogretim-online.org./index.php/pub/article/view/6725


