An Embedded Smart Affordable Helmet For Construction Workers To Reduce Fatality Rate Using Iot Device


  • Ashok. P ,
  • E U Iniyan
  • Vishnu Prasath. R
  • Vishnu Prasath. R
  • Poovarasan. P
  • P A Priyadharshini


On a daily basis, the death rate of construction workers on the job site is on the rise. However, there are still no such remedies to reduce the level of lethality. Even though they wear a helmet to protect themselves from all types of dangers that they could experience during construction of large buildings at construction site, it cannot en sure that the single helmet is strong enough to save the workers from danger or any health issues. The proposed system describes a smart inexpensive helmet for the construction workers made up of chromium embedded with Pulse sensor, Accelerometer and Gyroscope sensor. The pulse sensor is used to give the physical condition of him by measuring his/her heart rate. The Gyroscope sensor is used to indicate the rotation and orientation of the person with respect to gravity whereas the Accelerometer sensor is used to measure the linear acceleration or motion of the worker. These two sensors are used to detect falls due to sleepiness, fatigue, etc. All these components are connected with the Arduino Uno kit. Alert message are sent through GSM module. All other detail can also be viewed in the mobile application also. A Dc-Dc converter is used to regulate the flow of current. 




How to Cite

Ashok. P , E U Iniyan, Vishnu Prasath. R, Vishnu Prasath. R, Poovarasan. P, & P A Priyadharshini. (2023). An Embedded Smart Affordable Helmet For Construction Workers To Reduce Fatality Rate Using Iot Device. Elementary Education Online, 19(2), 1768–1777. Retrieved from


