Subterranean Cable Fault Locater Using Iot


  • V.Malini
  • N.Anitha
  • L.Kurinjimalar
  • P.Tamizh


Underground Cable, Ohms law, NodeMCU, WiFi module, Fault Location.


The cables are laid under the surface (directly or inside pressurized ducts), the visual methods of inspection of cables does not work efficiently. If the cable are buried in the electric system, there is always a chance for occurrence of ground fault. To examine the onset of fault is difficult and the entire cable should be taken out, from the ground to check and debug the faults. Thiswork is intended to catch the fault location in underground cable lines from the base station in kmusing a NodeMCU. This prototype uses the simple concept of Ohms law. The current would vary depending upon the length of the cable fault. Whenever the fault occurs in underground
cable, it is difficult to find out the exact location of the fault in the cable for repairing and refinement. The proposed system identifying the fault in exactlocation. The prototype is formed with a set of resistors representing cable length in distance(km) and fault creation is made by a  set of switches at every known distance to cross check the efficiency. In case of any kind of fault, the voltage across the resistors which are in series vary accordingly, digital datas are programmed in NodeMCU that further shows the exact fault location in the cable in terms of distance. The fault occurring phase, distance and time are displayed in the mobile phones with the help of NodeMCU and ESP8266 module. The benefits of accurate fault location is to fast repair and revive back the power system, it improves the system performance and it reduce the operating expense and reduce the time to locate the faults in the field.




How to Cite

V.Malini, N.Anitha, L.Kurinjimalar, & P.Tamizh. (2023). Subterranean Cable Fault Locater Using Iot. Elementary Education Online, 19(2), 1856–1862. Retrieved from


