Experimental Study On The Performance, Emission Characteristics Of C.I Engine Using Waste Cooking Oil


  • S. Arunprasad
  • U.Tamilarasan
  • Velmurugan V
  • Prabhu V
  • Manojkumar M
  • L.Saravana Kumar


Waste cooking oil, Diesel Engine, EGR


Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR) without intercooler is being used widely to reduce and control the oxidesof nitrogen (NOx) emission from diesel engines. EGR controls the NOx because it lowers oxygen concentration and flame temperature of the working fluid in the combustion chamber. However, the use of EGR without intercooler leads to a trade- off in terms of soot emissions moreover it exhausted more unburned hydrocarbons (25–35%) compared to conventional engines. Present experimental study has been carried out to investigate the effect of EGR on performance and emissions in twin cylinders, air cooled and constant speed direct injection
diesel engine, which is typically used in genset. Such engines arenormally not operated with EGR. The experiments were carried out to experimentally evaluate the performance and emissions for different EGR rates of the engine. Emissions of hydrocarbon (HC), NOx, carbon monoxide (CO) were measured. Performance parameters such as thermal efficiency, brake specific fuel consumption(BSFC) were calculated.




How to Cite

S. Arunprasad, U.Tamilarasan, Velmurugan V, Prabhu V, Manojkumar M, & L.Saravana Kumar. (2023). Experimental Study On The Performance, Emission Characteristics Of C.I Engine Using Waste Cooking Oil. Elementary Education Online, 19(2), 1863–1868. Retrieved from https://ilkogretim-online.org./index.php/pub/article/view/6777


