A Study On Impact Of Social Media On Online Shopping Behaviour Of Youngsters


  • Usman Mohideen K S,
  • Bharathi
  • Kanasingam
  • Sujith Kumar V,


Online shopping has become a new trend of shopping nowadays and is quickly becoming an important part of lifestyle. Due to wide spread internet access by people and e-commerce usage by traders, online shopping has seen a massive growth in recent years. Young people have been the majority shoppers online and thus this study finds out the attitude of youth towards online shopping. This
particular paper attempted to find out whether there is any impact of five factors like internet literacy, gender, educational qualification, website usability and online product price on online shopping. The results of the study highlighted that there is a significant relationship of online shopping with gender, internet literacy, and online product price. Similarly the study also highlighted that there is no significant relationship of online shopping with education and website usability. Online shopping is the most recent phenomenon in the Indian online space. Men and women of all ages visit the e-commerce websites regularly and buy the necessaries of life. The objective of the study is to understand the consumer awareness and preferences towards various products available online,
to understand the frequency of online shopping and the amount spent on a single purchase and to understand the factors affecting online purchase and the choice of payment gateway. Here we had studied the attitude, behaviour and intentions shown by the consumers when they decide to buy products online by using Hierarchy of Effects Model. Moreover a separate gender-wise differentiation was made to know how Male and Female reacts to a particular category of product comprises of Apparels, Beauty products, Household items, Electronic Gadgets etc. This study analyses the various factors that affect the online shopping behaviour
of the consumers by using Buyer Black Box Model which is like our mind processing various stimuli‟s it receives and helping it in coming to a conclusion 




How to Cite

Usman Mohideen K S, Bharathi, Kanasingam, & Sujith Kumar V,. (2023). A Study On Impact Of Social Media On Online Shopping Behaviour Of Youngsters . Elementary Education Online, 19(2), 1914–1925. Retrieved from https://ilkogretim-online.org./index.php/pub/article/view/6787


