A Study On Customer Satisfaction Towards Home Loan With Reference To Vellore District


  • P. Venkatesh
  • Magesh. M
  • Dinesh S.Patel
  • Maran Mari Muthu


Banking, Customer Satisfaction, Customer Requirements, Repayment, etc.


The research is carried out to understand the customer satisfaction and banking rating provided by the customers in terms of Housing finance company and to find the factors influencing the customer’s satisfaction towards the home loans provided by the company. The
objective of conducting this study to find the factors influencing the customers towards satisfaction on home loans and to examine the relationship among significant factors influencing customer satisfaction and banking rating. For this purpose, 76 respondents were
taken as sample for the study in order to get the needed information. The study is a descriptive type. The data are collected from survey using questionnaire method. The collected data were consolidated and interpreted by using statistical tools like percentage
analysis and statistical analysis are used for representation purpose. The research is useful for employees and researchers to understand the customer requirements during purchase of home loan and difficulties faced by the customer during the processing of loans and repayment.




How to Cite

P. Venkatesh, Magesh. M, Dinesh S.Patel, & Maran Mari Muthu. (2023). A Study On Customer Satisfaction Towards Home Loan With Reference To Vellore District. Elementary Education Online, 19(2), 1950–1959. Retrieved from https://ilkogretim-online.org./index.php/pub/article/view/6792


