Impact Of Climate Change On The Economic Growth Of An Agrarian Economy With Special Refrence To Thiruvallur District


  • L.Subburaj
  • Sweetlin Jenisha.E
  • Karthika . M
  • R.Loganathan


Weather vs Climate, Global warming vs climate change, Fossil Fuels.


The study illustrates the Agriculture has an important role to play in the economic growth of an agrarian economy like that of India. We can say that it is the backbone of our economy. In a nut shell, its position is an all embracing one so that the very existence of economic activities of the people is bound up with the state and health of agriculture sector. Thus, it is obvious that Agriculture occupies an important position in the "Indian economy" and the development and growth of this economy, highly depends upon
"Agriculture Growth". Agriculture is most dominant and important sector of Indian Economy that plays a vital role in the overall economic development of the country. This sector is heavily weather dependent world over, more in the tropical monsoon type of
climate. Agricultural crops are extremely susceptible to fluctuations in climatic factors such as rainfall and temperature conditions, specially their seasonality and unpredictability




How to Cite

L.Subburaj, Sweetlin Jenisha.E, Karthika . M, & R.Loganathan. (2023). Impact Of Climate Change On The Economic Growth Of An Agrarian Economy With Special Refrence To Thiruvallur District. Elementary Education Online, 19(2), 2279–2284. Retrieved from


