Effects of Social Media Group Communication Campaigns among School Children: An Experimental Study


  • Umair Ansari
  • Fouzia Naz
  • Syed Shujat Husain
  • Syed Shujat Husain
  • Taha Shabbir
  • Syed Mazhar ul Hasnain
  • Saeed Memon
  • Saeed Memon
  • Bashir Ahmed Kalwar
  • Syed Shuja Uddin
  • Mehwish Nisar
  • Sardar Ahmed Nazish


Mental Health, Social Media, Addiction, Children, Internet Usage, Study Performance, Digital Communication


Digital media has been emerged as the fastest using medium. It provides multiple accesses to various digital equipment single handedly. In one click we can switch from video to audio and from audio to web link. Today it is equally get popular among children as adults. The research aims to examine the impact of the usage of digital media among children and its consequences in their mental health. Communication which is a part of life can also be fulfilled by the help of these technologies. The present condition increment weight on our mind. Result into absence of fixation, terrible rest propensities, these are additionally the consequence of utilizing a lot of long range interpersonal communication sites. We are annihilating our self-step by step more genuinely. Having late night snacks, drinking insufficient water, resting late and slumping is one of the debacle of this age. Basic arrangement or we can call blood is a fuel in our body. It gives essential supplements to our muscles to move and apply power when there is a need. Educational programs on television can be Beneficial if they are well designed and age appropriate. When welldesigned educational content is present academic achievements can be made. No doubt there is also the positive impact of digital media as well. In early years individuals and uniquely kids should sit in front of the TV as a large portion of their time however these days’ social sites like YouTube supplant with TV. YouTube is currently the best site for all the children's. A quantitative research method applied to observe the impact of digital media
communication on children h ealth. This study shows that the effects of social media on students are negative. Relationship between social media and unethical behavior found positive. Present study also conducted to search the effects of digital media on children’s. Quantitative Research designed applied to observe the impact of digital media communication on children health. In the end our research concludes the huge impact of digital media on children health as more children admit that they are addicted to digital media and they face serious health and mental issues. They feel severe problems in sleep and also they feel studies disturb. The digital media in short make student or  children lethargic and often lead to procrastination.




How to Cite

Umair Ansari, Fouzia Naz, Syed Shujat Husain, Syed Shujat Husain, Taha Shabbir, Syed Mazhar ul Hasnain, … Sardar Ahmed Nazish. (2023). Effects of Social Media Group Communication Campaigns among School Children: An Experimental Study. Elementary Education Online, 19(1), 686–699. Retrieved from https://ilkogretim-online.org./index.php/pub/article/view/7220


