To Compare The Effectiveness Of Compute Based Instruction And Traditional Method On Academic Achievement And Retention Of 9th Class Science Students In Terms Of Instructional Objectives I.E. Application And Skill / Creativity


  • Digvijay Singh


Education is considered to be a key factor in the development of any nation. As this imbibes knowledge skill and inculcates values as well contributes towards human resource development. In this study researcher compare the effectiveness of two method i.e. computer based instruction and traditional method on academic achievement and retention of 9t h class science students in terms of instructional objectives i.e. application and skill / creativity. This study was done in Kurukshetra city where one English medium CBSE school choose for experimentation. Only four units of 9t h class Biology, Selected duration of the study was three months. The data was analyzed by using mean, SD., and T-ratio. The findings of the study reveals that computer based instruction are more effective than the traditional method of teaching in turns of instructional objectives i.e. Application & Skill/creativity.




How to Cite

Digvijay Singh. (2023). To Compare The Effectiveness Of Compute Based Instruction And Traditional Method On Academic Achievement And Retention Of 9th Class Science Students In Terms Of Instructional Objectives I.E. Application And Skill / Creativity. Elementary Education Online, 19(1), 708–719. Retrieved from


