Study Of Physical Fitness Level Of North And South Indian Hockey Players


  • Suman
  • Ashok Kumar Sharma


Body Composition, Flexibility, Muscular Strength, Muscular Endurance and Cardio Respiratory Endurance


Physical Fitness is base of each and every sport and game. Without high level of Physical Fitness, we cannot think about good performance in the Sports. The objective of this research is to assess and compare the Physical Fitness level of North and South Indian
male Hockey players. This analysis has taken 200 subjects as the sample size (100 of North region and 100 of South region) aged 18 to 24 years from different Colleges and Universities students. The data related to Physical Fitness was collected through AAHPER
Youth fitness test. This included Pull ups, Bent Knee Sit ups, Shuttle run, Standing broad jump, 50 Yard dash and 1.5 mile run /walk test in this research. The statistical analysis was performed by using the “t” test to achieve mean and standard deviation of the collected information. The results of study showed that Northern Male Hockey players was better in Pull ups, Sit ups and Standing Broad Jump than southern male Hockey players whereas south hockey players were better in Zig Zag run, and 50 yards’ dash.




How to Cite

Suman, & Ashok Kumar Sharma. (2023). Study Of Physical Fitness Level Of North And South Indian Hockey Players. Elementary Education Online, 19(1), 1023–1029. Retrieved from


