A Case Study of Pre-service Teachers’ Perceptions and Practices about Using Arts in Education in a Women University from Lahore


  • Dr Saira Taj
  • Dr Moafia Nader
  • Warda Anum
  • Sehrish Israr
  • Javerea Rafique


Perceptions, Pre-service teachers, Art education


The purpose of this article was to investigate those perceptions which pre-service teachers
possess and also the perceptions which were nurtured during their teacher practice. And last of all to
know about the perceptions which were challenged in their education.
Total 150 pre-service teachers of B.Ed degree program containing 4th, 6th and 8th semesters were included
in the population of the study while the sample was those pre-service teachers who were enrolled in the
4th and 6th semesters. Instrument was self-constructed. The Statistical Package for the Social Sciences,
(SPSS) version 17 was used to analyze quantitative data whereas field notes were used to emerge themes.
The findings clearly indicated that the pre-service teachers should be conscious about art education
because through art activities students can learn better. Teachers can improve their ways of teaching.
They focus more on lecture, project, and demonstration methods. They can also adopt modern methods of




How to Cite

Dr Saira Taj, Dr Moafia Nader, Warda Anum, Sehrish Israr, & Javerea Rafique. (2023). A Case Study of Pre-service Teachers’ Perceptions and Practices about Using Arts in Education in a Women University from Lahore. Elementary Education Online, 19(3), 2040–2047. Retrieved from https://ilkogretim-online.org./index.php/pub/article/view/7368


