Adaptation of Goal Orientations for Teaching Scale into Turkish


  • Hülya Yıldızlı
  • Ahmet Saban,
  • Muhammet Baştuğ


Teachers, Goal orientations for teaching, Adaptation scale


The purpose of this study is to adapt Goal Orientations for Teaching Scale into Turkish upon carrying out relevant reliability and validity assessments on the scale. The study group is comprised of 584 teachers. The original scale (Goal Orientations for Teaching) consists 5 factors and 21 items, whereas as a result of exploratory factor analysis in scope of present study, 4 factors with 1 or greater eigen value have been established. Out of these factors, reliability value of the Skill Orientation factor was found to be α=.787 and its variance %24.56; reliability of Mastery factor at α=.638 and variance at %15.70; reliability of Avoidance factor at α=.605 and variance at %8.06; reliability of Student Relations factor at α=.673 and variance at %6.72; and reliability of entire scale was found to be at α=.761 and its variance at %55, respectively. Moreover, exploratory factor analysis indicated that the 4-factor and 15-item scale possesses plausible adaptive values (χ²/sd=1.43; RMSEA=.027; GFI=.98; AGFI=.96; CFI=.98; TLI=.98). The 4-factor and 15-item Turkish version of the scale,
original of which contains 5 factors and 21 items in English, was found to be both reliable and valid. It was concluded that the adapted scale could be used to determine teachers’ goal orientations towards teaching.




How to Cite

Hülya Yıldızlı, Ahmet Saban, & Muhammet Baştuğ. (2023). Adaptation of Goal Orientations for Teaching Scale into Turkish. Elementary Education Online, 15(4), 1254–1267. Retrieved from


