Teachers’ Attitudes towards Humor in Education


  • Elif Emine Balta,


Humor, Attitude Scale, Teacher, Education, Language


As general, through its characteristic pleasing feature, the humor contains the words, the concepts and the situations who can entertain, relieve and/or make laugh people. When we examine the humor from the perspective of education, the studies verify that the humor allows to draw attention and to facilitate the learning and to remember the learned. Through the opinion who indicates the humor is also important in the educational environment, the purpose of this study is to determine the attitudes of teachers towards the humor and the possible variations of these attitudes according to the gender, the years of service, the branch, the graduate faculty and the educational status. The research was carried out in the screening model. For the purpose of the study, the data were collected by researcher through the “Attitude Scale towards the Use of Humor in Education” which has been developed for the relevant study. For the analysis of data, descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way Anova test was used. The findings indicate that the attitudes of the
participants towards the humor is positive and they don’t change according to the gender, the years of service, the branch, the graduate faculty and the educational status; however they also indicate that in subtitled dimension of data, heading “Deemed Necessary in Education”, there are differences in the attitudes of teachers according to the branch. The findings conclude that the teachers show a positive manner on the use of humor in education.




How to Cite

Elif Emine Balta,. (2023). Teachers’ Attitudes towards Humor in Education. Elementary Education Online, 15(4), 1268–1279. Retrieved from https://ilkogretim-online.org./index.php/pub/article/view/7399


