Investigating Cognitive Structures in Some Basic Chemistry Concepts Via Word Association Test


  • Elif Atabek-Yigit


Cognitive Structure, Basic Chemistry Terms, Word Association Test


. In this study it was aimed to investigate cognitive structures of pre-service science teachers in some basic chemistry terms via word association test. Data were analyzed according to the number of responses to each key word in the word association test and concept maps were drawn according to frequencies as well as relatedness coefficient. Results of this study showed that participants’ strongest part of cognitive structures within the given keywords was “compound-molecule” relation and they have weaknesses/difficulties in “ion” concept. It can be said that the abstract feature of the given concepts and the difficulties on understanding of macro and micro
relations were effective on these results. Besides, according to sentence analysis participants were most likely to “define” and “describe” the knowledge but have difficulties on “comparing” and “interpreting” the knowledge. This study was conducted at the beginning of the chapter and cognitive structures of the pre-service science teachers were explored. Therefore course can be designed according to the findings of the study.




How to Cite

Elif Atabek-Yigit. (2023). Investigating Cognitive Structures in Some Basic Chemistry Concepts Via Word Association Test. Elementary Education Online, 15(4), 1385–1398. Retrieved from


