Home educational resources, out of school factors, and foreign language achievement: An Example from Turkey


  • Emre Güvendir
  • Meltem Acar Güvendir
  • Alper Aslan


Home educational resources, out of school factors, foreign language achievement, Evaluation of Student Achievement Test, hierarchical linear modeling.


This study examines the potential relationship between home educational resources, out of school factors, and foreign language student achievement in the Turkish context. Participants of the study include 6804 seventh grade students (3173 female and 3631 male) who took ÖBBS in 2008. The researchers used two level hierarchical linear modeling for data analysis. According to the results of the study, home educational resources such as having a study room, computer, a person who could speak English, high number of books and out of school factors such as educational development of city where the school is located and school district have relationship with foreign language achievement. On the whole, the study results suggest that foreign language achievement is related to out of school characteristics and home educational resources that need to be considered by foreign language practitioners and policy makers.




How to Cite

Emre Güvendir, Meltem Acar Güvendir, & Alper Aslan. (2023). Home educational resources, out of school factors, and foreign language achievement: An Example from Turkey. Elementary Education Online, 15(4), 1411–1424. Retrieved from https://ilkogretim-online.org./index.php/pub/article/view/7419


