The Dilemma Of Critical Terminology Between Epistemological Foundations And Methodological Modernization: The Muwazana Of Al-Amidi And The Theory Of Literary Text By Abdelmalek Murtad As Models


  • Dr. Agha Aicha


One of the most intellectually demanding fields that requires terminological study is the critical term, due to its evolution, shift in meaning, and multiplicity of meanings. The issue of terminology has occupied the minds of Arab critics, both ancient and modern, due to its importance as a theoretical issue that was created to express scientific and artistic concepts. It is a means of rhetorical communication, as Arab critics in the past paid attention to the term in critical and rhetorical thought.

In contrast, the paper sheds light on one of the problems of the Arab critical discourse from the past to the present, represented in the problem of the Arabic critical term in the work of the two critics, al-Amidi in al-Muwazana and Abd al-Malik Murtad in the Theory of the Literary Text. The latter dealt with modern concepts in a traditional language, especially with the transcendence of the structural forms of language, because he is a descendant of a traditional linguistic school with a Jahzawi character.

This research paper aims to explore the essence and characteristics of the critical term, in light of the overlap of terms and the difference of concepts. It also seeks to examine the terminological experience of both al-Amidi and Abd al-Malik Murtad, based on the transformations that this term has witnessed, its degree of rooting, renewal, and interaction with the Western term.




How to Cite

Dr. Agha Aicha. (2023). The Dilemma Of Critical Terminology Between Epistemological Foundations And Methodological Modernization: The Muwazana Of Al-Amidi And The Theory Of Literary Text By Abdelmalek Murtad As Models. Elementary Education Online, 22(4), 122–138. Retrieved from


