Factors Affecting The Perceptions Of Trainee Nurses Towards Quality Improvement In Nursing Profession




Nursing, a healthcare profession, plays a crucial role in promoting health, preventing illness and caring for individuals of all ages. It is indispensable to the healthcare system, touching the lives of individuals, families and communities across the lifespan. Nurses embody compassion, expertise and resilience, making invaluable contributions to the health and well- being of people in the society. Trainee nurses are the upcoming contributors to the nursing workforce and their perceptions towards the profession depict the quality of care they are going to offer to patients, if once they acquire the qualification in nursing and join the Health care services. Quality improvement in nursing profession is the need of the hour. This is possible only when the nurses develop positive attitude and right perceptions towards nursing profession during their training in a nursing school or college. The present investigation is an attempt to explore the factors that influence the perceptions of trainee nurses towards quality improvement in nursing profession. The researchers used a well developed questionnaire on different aspects of nursing profession as the research tool to collect data from a sample of 600 trainee nurses studying in 30 nursing schools/colleges located in Visakhapatnam district of Andhra Pradesh using Stratified Random Sampling technique. The data were analyzed using different statistical measures such as mean score values, standard deviations, t-tests and Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). The findings of the study revealed that Location of the institution, Parental income and Religion have no influence on the perceptions of trainee nurses towards quality improvement in nursing profession. The study suggested that the prospective nurses need to be motivated to work with commitment in the profession to improve quality in nursing profession.




How to Cite

Dr. D. NAGARAJA KUMARI , MADDU MANI. (2023). Factors Affecting The Perceptions Of Trainee Nurses Towards Quality Improvement In Nursing Profession. Elementary Education Online, 22(4), 331–337. Retrieved from https://ilkogretim-online.org./index.php/pub/article/view/7766


