English As Second Language Teaching Paradigm


  • Chittapragada Sri Raja Rajeswari


ESL teachers are undergoing a phenomenon of rapid social and technological change. This inevitably affects the nature of teaching-learning process in ESL classrooms. We are living in the age of globalization, transnationalism, telecommunication and digital technology. Education in such a scenario aims at preparing individuals to be flexible, multi- skilled and dynamic problem solvers, and creative explorers of resources with the ability to interpret reality from multiple perspectives. Therefore, the traditional approaches to teaching English language have been replaced with modern approaches which are considered appropriate to the new generation of language learners in the postmodern learning environment influenced by ICT. Education in the postmodern era cannot be considered independent of historical, economic, technological and cultural factors, and institutions of higher learning must bear in mind the demands of the postmodern society. This paper intends to explore the postmodern trends in ESL Teaching and the changing role of the teacher in modern times.




How to Cite

Chittapragada Sri Raja Rajeswari. (2024). English As Second Language Teaching Paradigm. Elementary Education Online, 356–361. Retrieved from https://ilkogretim-online.org./index.php/pub/article/view/7799


