The Steps Taken in the Field of Education in the Globalization Process: Turkey vs Successful Countries in Education
Globalization, Comparative Education, Education Innovations, Analytical Comparative Education Method,Abstract
The aim of this study is to compare the steps taken in Turkey and the countries that have achieved success in education in the context of globalization; to shed light on the developments and regulations in our country in this context and to identify the deficiencies in order to achieve intended success and propose suggestions for the necessary steps to be taken in the field. Program for International
Student Assessment (PISA), Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) and OECD Better Life Index results were taken into account in sampling the study. Finally, education systems of Singapore, China, South Korea, Japan, Canada, Britain, Denmark were examined in the context of globalization. The analytical comparative educational research method which was developed by Bereday was used in line with the aim of the research. Findings of the study revealed that Turkey has taken important steps in order to improve and enhance its education in the globalization process. However, it has been stated that -whatever the education level is regulations must be made in consultation with field experts, in coordination during each step so that they will be permanent and more effective. It has also been emphasized that countries must proceed in accordance with their own values and characteristics in the globalization process, but also taking the requirements of the globalization into consideration.