Terminological Pluralism, In The Science Of Hadith - An Applied Linguistic Study In Some Terms


  • Toufik Djamate , Abdelkader Djaid


The research aims to study the phenomenon of pluralism in the field of Islamic sciences, especially in the science of hadith, through an applied study of some of its terms that appeared in it. The research also seeks to know how hadith scholars dealt with this negative phenomenon, and whether this phenomenon affected the clarity of scientific concepts. We have paved the way for studying this phenomenon by clarifying the meaning, characteristics, and functions of the term, defining terminological pluralism, and mentioning it’s most important causes. Then we studied some of the terms in which multiplicity was observed in the science of hadith, in order to reach a general conclusion regarding the extent of the impact of this phenomenon on all Islamic sciences.




How to Cite

Toufik Djamate , Abdelkader Djaid. (2024). Terminological Pluralism, In The Science Of Hadith - An Applied Linguistic Study In Some Terms . Elementary Education Online, 506–521. Retrieved from https://ilkogretim-online.org./index.php/pub/article/view/7876


