Impact Of Transitional Periods On Some Physical Qualities Among Handball Players Playing In National Excellence In Algeria


  • Benfetima Zohra . Benfetima Khadidja ,Chiha Fouad ,Abdelmalek Gasmi ,Benkara Yacine


Handball is a sport characterized by physical qualities of strength and speed, but which also requires intense sequences of effort and an alternation between a phase of sprints and rest that in turn require a good quality of endurance.  The development of a training program for a team requires finding consistency and respecting a certain continuity in order to preserve the adaptations of the organisms and to perpetuate the essential solicitations in a constant way. Truces, periods of physical and mental rest for athletes who still must resume activity gradually during these phases of relaxation. Therefore, the objective of the summer study is to evaluate some specific physical qualities in 18 handballers playing in National Excellence Senior Ladies League for three periods (Preparatory, competitive and winter break) to be able to determine the impact of these truces and to propose compliant solutions. Athletic performance showed significant differences in the tests conducted during the three periods.




How to Cite

Benfetima Zohra . Benfetima Khadidja ,Chiha Fouad ,Abdelmalek Gasmi ,Benkara Yacine. (2024). Impact Of Transitional Periods On Some Physical Qualities Among Handball Players Playing In National Excellence In Algeria. Elementary Education Online, 186–195. Retrieved from


