Difficulty In Acquiring Philosophical Concepts In Secondary Education


  • Dr. Rachid Souaker, Dr. Aissa Touati Brahim


This study aimed to detect the difficulty in the achievement of the philosophical concept among secondary education students in the city of El Oued, in light of the variables (division, academic level). To achieve this goal, the descriptive method was used. The study was conducted on a sample of (293) male and female students who were randomly selected. After applying the two achievement tests (truth - freedom) and applying the difficulty diagnosis questionnaire, it was found that there is a difficulty in the achievement of the philosophical concept among students (69.90%). There were also statistically significant differences in the difficulty of the philosophical concept attributed to (division, academic level). Based on these findings, the study recommends a review of the philosophy curriculum, teacher training in philosophy pedagogy, and the development of new teaching methods and strategies to improve students' understanding of philosophical concepts.




How to Cite

Dr. Rachid Souaker, Dr. Aissa Touati Brahim. (2024). Difficulty In Acquiring Philosophical Concepts In Secondary Education. Elementary Education Online, 781–791. Retrieved from https://ilkogretim-online.org./index.php/pub/article/view/8158


