Financial Corruption And The Approach Of The Noble Quran In Its Treatment


  • Dr. Mediani Mustapha


The Noble Quran addresses various issues that reflect the realities of people’s lives, including the issue of corruption. It deals with this issue in various ways, highlighting its dangers to both the individual and society. The Quran discusses most types of corruption, including financial corruption, since money is one of the five essential things that must be preserved. Consequently, the Qur’an places great emphasis on the issue of money and advocates its lawful acquisition, management, and preservation. It narrates stories about the lawful earnings of some prophets to serve as examples, prohibits financial corruption, and outlines its manifestations while providing ways to deal with it. The Qur’an outlines a comprehensive approach to tackling financial corruption, beginning with identifying its moral and material causes and linking them to reform strategies. It also establishes the basic principles for addressing such issues, which include faith, reform, and construction.




How to Cite

Dr. Mediani Mustapha. (2025). Financial Corruption And The Approach Of The Noble Quran In Its Treatment. Elementary Education Online, 245–264. Retrieved from


