Evaluation Of Ensemble Based Hptrf Ml Algorithm With Multiple Cardio Data Set


  • D.R. Krithika
  • Dr.K.Rohini


cardiovascular disease, Atherosclerosis, hypertension, blood pressure, ischemia, HPTRF- hyper parameter tunned random forest.


Cardiovascular disease is leading cause of death. Athero means soft porridge like, and sclerosis is hardening so Atherosclerosis is fatty deposition of artery valves and stiffening of blood vessel valve is sclerosis. It affects our body large and medium arteries and chronic
inflammation is caused and immune system activation of artery valve. lipids deposits in artery valves is the development of plaques. Three different problems of plaques are the first one is tightening of artery valve which leads to raise of BP , if BP will raised heart gets
difficult to pump blood. Second problem is stenosis is narrowing because of the plaques of the space at blood can flow through in blood vessel and this which causes Blood flow in conditions like Angina and peripheral vascular disease. Another problem is rupture of plaque gets off thrombus leads to ischemia. It causes acute coronary syndrome. Proposed Algorithm (HPTRF) got better Accuracy Results.




How to Cite

D.R. Krithika, & Dr.K.Rohini. (2023). Evaluation Of Ensemble Based Hptrf Ml Algorithm With Multiple Cardio Data Set. Elementary Education Online, 21(1), 156–168. Retrieved from https://ilkogretim-online.org./index.php/pub/article/view/85


