An Investigation on the Revision of the DISCOVER Problem Matrix and its Psychometric Properties


  • Şule Güçyeter


DISCOVER Problem Matrix, problem types.


DISCOVER Problem Matrix (DPM: Discovering Intellectual Strengths and Capabilities through Observation while for allowing Varied Ethnic Responses) is a problem continuum model that can be used for developing and assessing problem solving skills in domains of ability and knowledge. The DMP includes six problem types from wellstructured to ill-structured types. Because it is a problem continuum, more types can be added to the Model. A measurement instrument was developed based on the revised Matrix and administered to 519 seventh and sixth grade students. The instrument was found to have a reliability coefficient of .75. Statistically significant correlations were found between the problem types.The more distant two problem types are fromeach other, the lower the correlation betweenthem, and the closer the problem types are toeach other, the larger the correlations between them, which is a fact that providesevidence for the validity of the Matrix. Furthermore, the new problem type added to theMatrix was found to have a good fit with the structure of the Matrix.




How to Cite

Şule Güçyeter. (2023). An Investigation on the Revision of the DISCOVER Problem Matrix and its Psychometric Properties. Elementary Education Online, 1(1), 104–131. Retrieved from


