Influence Of Instructional Resources On The Study Of Islam In Ghanaian Basic Schools: A Survey


  • Anthony Mensah
  • Martin Yaw Adjei
  • Samuel Ayetey Chaitey
  • Gabriel Kumah


Instructional Resources, Islam, Religious and Moral Education


This study sought to examine the influence of instructional resources on pupils’ attitude towards the study of Islamic content in Religious and Moral Education in the Kwahu-East District of the Eastern Region of Ghana. The study employed the convergence mixed-method research design. 339 respondents were chosen for the study, consisting 285 JHS 3 pupils and 54 R.M.E teachers, using cluster sampling, multi-stage including proportional allocation of sample size and simple random sampling, as well as the census approach. Frequencies, percentages, averages and standard deviation, independent samples t-test, and ANOVA were used to analyse data collected through the use of the questionnaire and observation guide. It was found out that, except syllabus and textbooks that were available for the teaching of Islamic content of RME; teachers’ manuals; visual resources such as charts, pictures, and photographs, audio resources, religious objects, religious sites, and resource persons were not available to assist teachers in teaching the Islamic content of RME. The study recommended that the Ministry of Education in collaboration with head teachers, parents, and teachers need to ensure adequate provision and supply of both school and communitybased resources that would enhance effective teaching and learning of Islamic content of RME.




How to Cite

Anthony Mensah, Martin Yaw Adjei, Samuel Ayetey Chaitey, & Gabriel Kumah. (2023). Influence Of Instructional Resources On The Study Of Islam In Ghanaian Basic Schools: A Survey. Elementary Education Online, 21(1), 190–211. Retrieved from


